My seven week project at the Bedford Lab

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What did I learn in these seven week:

    First and Second week HERE

    Third and Fourth week HERE

    Fifth week HERE

What was the problem:

Project Question

  1. How similar or Different is the yellow fever outbreaks in different regions of the world?
  2. What can we tell about the host variation among this regions?
  3. Regions I am Specifically interested in for my project:

    1. East Africa
    2. West Africa
    3. South America

    The reason I chose these regions: There is high population size of Yellow Fever patients in this regions.

    All my sequence are draged from here

    I used the following application softwares throughout my project to do multiple tasks:

    1. Jupyter Notebook: to build my subdata sets
    2. Geneious: to do my alignments using MAFT and draw a phylogenetic tree using RAFT of the sequences I filtered out using Jupyter Notebook (The first time I did it ).
    3. Command line: to make my alignments for the 3rd time, and install most of the softwares I used so far.
    4. Figtree: to graphically view my phylogenetic tree and publish ready figure.
    5. Beauti: a companion program in Beast that generate XML file inorder to make the file readable by Beast.
    6. Beast: to infer evolutionary dynamics from sequence data.

    Why is these so important to me: I have a dream of pursuing a Computer Engineering degree in the near future. Using this software will broaden my understanding of computers in general, and make me a competitive college applicant.

    My final tree:

    The following phylogenetic tree demonstrates the variation of hosts in East Africa, West Africa, and South America(Brazil and Venezuela):

    Things I understood from my Phylogenetic tree:

    Figures and Hypothesis


    What is next

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